Six Figure Confidence is a group coaching program like no other - Pay off debt faster, grow a savings account you can be proud of, up-level your money mindset, and everything in between.


  • You felt confident with your money and never obsessed over every little purchase that you made
  • You no longer felt guilty every time you made a purchase - regardless if it's a want or a need.
  • You and your partner had productive meaningful conversations about money rather than tense disagreements
  • You had ZERO high-interest debt (peace out, credit cards!)
  • You were 3 months ahead on your bills instead of living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Every time you logged into your bank account you felt confident and proud of the number staring back at you
  • You never felt deprived or restricted with your spending.
  • You could fully enjoy yourself on vacation and NOT have the financial burden for months (or years) afterward.

It's all possible inside Six Figure Confidence!


  • You make six figures (or close to) and feel like you have nothing to show for it.
  • On paper, you're damn proud of what you make...but looking at your bank account is a different story.
  • You feel embarrassed talking about money because you thought you'd FOR SURE be so much further ahead by now.
  • You feel anxious every time you login to your bank account because you're not sure what number you'll see on the screen.
  • You've been wanting to get your high-interest debt paid off for years now but can't seem to make any real progress on lowering your balances.
  • Managing your finances always gets put on the backburner because you're afraid to do it wrong or fail...again.


Kendall is the money empowerment coach behind Six-Figure Confidence. She helps her clients transform their relationship with money so they can end the cycle of making great money with nothing to show for it.

In just 12 short months Kendall and her husband were able to pay down $30,000 of debt, travel cash-paid to several different destinations such as Ireland, Scotland, and Costa Rica, save up half a year's expenses when their first son was born, and completely transform the way that they manage their money as a couple (hello, no more money arguments!).

Inside SFC, she will help you to pay off your debt 3x faster, build your savings, and completely up-level your relationship with money.


  • How to design a blueprint for your money that doesn’t feel restrictive and boring (and one that fits YOUR lifestyle!)
  • How to level up your money mindset + transform your relationship with money so you no longer fear it
  • How to get ahead each month without having to cut expenses (yes, you can keep your cable, gym membership, and hair appointments!)
  • How to stop impulse shopping and spend your money with intention
  • How to pay off debt at a rapid pace and save money in a way that feels GOOD to you and allows you to continue living your life.
  • How to save for it ALL! Emergencies, birthdays, holidays, vacations, and more!
  • Exactly how to create the confidence you need in your finances to make HUGE progress on every single one of your goals

SFC Client Wins πŸ‘‡











  1. Laser-focused weekly group coaching sessions
  2. Private 1:1 coaching sessions with Kendall each quarter to ensure you're staying on track to meet your goals. I strategize with you every step of the way.
  3. 12 mind-blowing modules to completely transform the way you think about + manage your money
  4. Private community of like-minded powerhouse women going through the same process with you who can provide support & accountability
  5. Immediate text access to your coach and the other members to ask questions + get coaching
  6. Customized worksheets to walk you through each module and take your money work even deeper
  7. Exclusive access to guest expert workshops (past topics include investing, retirement, travel hacking, home buying, growing your income, time management & more!)

You're proud of the money you're making. It's time your bank account reflected that.

You In?

Have Questions? I've got you...

>> When does the program officially start?

Six-Figure Confidence officially starts after your payment is made.

>> How long does the program take from start to finish?

The program is set up to give you easy, digestible information over the course of 12 weeks so you're not overwhelmed with so much information. However, if you feel the need to jump ahead, go for it girl! The modules were created to give you the most value and actionable steps in the shortest amount of time as possible. Meaning, the video modules are action packed, easy to digest, and no more than 15 minutes per video.

>> Is Six-Figure Confidence private coaching or group coaching?

SFC is a hybrid of both private and group coaching. This is a high level, high touch program where you have 1:1 coaching calls with me, as well as weekly group coaching calls with the community.

>> Why do I have to apply first? Why can't I just pay and join?

Simply put - we don't accept everyone into the program. We want to make sure that it's not only a great fit for you, but a great fit for us as well.

>> When will I know if I've been accepted into the program after I apply?

After you apply, you will have the opportunity to schedule your 30 minute application call with Kendall to review your application + go over any Qs you may have about Six-Figure Confidence. Based on your application and your call with Kendall, she will be able to determine if you'd be a great fit for the program.

>> I'm nervous to be coached in front of others. Is this right for me?

Money has been painted as such a taboo topic to speak about so of course it's uncomfortable to talk about...especially in front of strangers. However, here's what I know to be true: Inside SFC, we have crafted the most supportive and uplifting community for you to talk safely about your finances. We support each other, uplift one another, and we help you make confident and empowered decisions with your money. Those who choose to get coached are the ones who will receive the biggest transformation - And that's what you came here for, right? ;) You can choose to listen to the coaching calls but the most change happens when you allow yourself to go all in...and that includes getting coached.

>> What if I can't make the group calls?

We do our best to schedule our group calls on various days and times of the week so that everyone has the opportunity to join a call. If for some reason you can't make it to the call one week, you can always watch the replay in our community so you don't miss a thing.

>> How long do I have access to SFC?

Fo' life, girl! This is an unlimited money coaching experience so there is no expiration on your time in the program.

>> Ok, I'm for sure in. What's the investment?

The investment for Six Figure Confidence is $2,000. We have payment options available as well. SFC is a high level, high touch program designed for those who are ALL in to transform their finances in 12 weeks.

>> Still have questions?

Shoot the team an email at [email protected] and we will make sure all of your questions are answered before you make a decision.